Washable Wall Paint
Need to wash your walls? Washable wall paint from PPG is specially formulated to allow for easy clean up of spills, messes, scuffs, and the everyday marks your walls get from a house full of kids. If you're commonly washing your walls to remove crayon, kids markers, or spaghetti sauce - we have the right wall paint for your life!

Our Washable Wall Paint
Washable Wall Paint
Washable wall paint is specially formulated to allow for enhanced stain resistance and scrubbability. Check out how PPG Ultralast, our highly washable wall paint can stand up to common stains.
PPG Ultralast is our more washable wall paint that helps keep interior walls looking clean and fresh despite everyday spills, stains and scuffs. Engineered to deliver exceptional resistance to stains and unsightly marks from cleaning and abrasions, PPG UltraLast is a washable wall paint that delivers an easy clean that will maintain a freshly painted look on your interior walls. Choose PPG UltraLast with confidence for exceptional wall protection and only re-paint when looking for a change of color.