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PERMA-CRETE® Interior/Exterior High Build 100% Acrylic Topcoat


Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)


Flat, Satin

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Product Details

PERMA-CRETE® Interior/Exterior High Build 100% Acrylic Topcoat is specifically designed for interior and exterior, above ground, masonry substrates requiring high performance protection. It is alkali and efflorescence resistant and provides resistance against water, UV light, staining and is breathable. It passes ASTM D6904-3 for wind driven rain. PERMA-CRETE® Interior/Exterior High Build 100% Acrylic Topcoat provides a durable exterior coating and provides an option between conventional acrylics and elastomeric coatings. This topcoat is ideal for high-rise apartments and condominiums, tilt-up warehouses, hospitals, schools, concrete parking garage overheads, hotels, resorts and residential homes.


  • Excellent Durability
  • Exceptional Dirt Pick-Up Resistance
  • High Build

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Code Finish Base Sizes Download
4-22 Flat White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-22C Flat White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-22SE Flat White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-22XI Flat White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-22XIC Flat White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-22XUN Flat WHITE & PASTEL BASE 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-26 Flat Midtone/Intermediate Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-26XI Flat Midtone/Intermediate Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-30 Flat Deeptone Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-30C Flat Deeptone Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-40XI Flat Neutral/Ultradeep/Accent/Clear Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-40XIC Flat Deeptone Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-422 Satin White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-426 Satin Midtone/Intermediate Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4-440 Satin Neutral/Ultradeep/Accent/Clear Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
  • CARB 2000 SCM
  • OTC
  • US National AIM
  • Canada National AIM