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HOMAX® Lightweight & Portable Texture Gun & Hopper


Each (EA)

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Product Details

Homax® Texture Gun & Hopper operates off small portable compressors and HVLP spray units. The trigger simultaneously controls both the material and airflow, or can be easily modified for continuous air flow. There are two easy-to-use adjustments on the gun that will produce your choice of multiple spray patterns. Homax Texture Gun & Hopper can be used to apply interior texture to a wall, a room, a basement, or more! It’s the ideal tool for small patch and repair work, or complete remodeling projects.


  • Applies Interior Wall & Ceiling Textures
  • Sprays a Variety of Texture Materials and Patterns
  • Compressor Operated (3/4 HP or Larger, HVLP Compatible)

Application Details

  1. SNAP gun onto premixed texture bottle or black hopper.
  2. CONNECT compressor hose to spray gun handle.
  3. SPRAY texture onto surface.
  4. PAINT surface after allowing texture to dry overnight.

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Code Sizes Download
4630 Each (EA) N/A
HMX04405 Each (EA), Each (EA) N/A