PPG Paints has compiled an informative and detailed SPRAYER MAINTENANCE TIPS & TRICKS guide. paint sprayer maintenance is a key component of ensuring the life of a paint sprayer. Maintenance is also crucial in order to get the best quality of work done without delays. For best use out of your paint sprayer, follow these tips.

Fresh Paint for Every Job
First and foremost, while it is common practice to leave paint in the paint sprayer this is highly inadvisable. Most people leave paint in the sprayer over night in order to quickly begin a job the next day. However, by leaving paint in the sprayer you are more likely to encounter delays in work. This is because left over paint causes the sprayer to function at a lower capacity. Paint gets clogged in the filter, which keeps the paint from making it up the line and out of the gun.

Rock Catcher
Further SPRAYER MAINTENANCE TIPS & TRICKS include never operating the paint sprayer with the rock catcher removed. This is because foreign material can be sucked up into the sprayer, thereby damaging the rods and packings. This damage can lead to what could have been a large, avoidable expense. Furthermore, in order to dispel the myth, removing the rod catcher does not allow for more paint to be filled in the pump. So, do not operate the paint sprayer without the rock catcher!

Daily Cleaning & Washing
Paint sprayer maintenance also requires daily cleaning of the filters. This is an essential part to keeping the paint sprayer functioning properly. In order to clean the paint sprayer, remove the manifold filter and clean each day after use. This will keep paint from building up, which would ultimately lead to slowing down the paint from reaching the gun. In addition to cleaning the manifold filter, it is important to remove the gun filter and clean daily, as well. To clean the gun filter, remove the the reversible tip and clear out with water. This will also prevent clogging while on the job site. As a reminder, anytime the tip is replaced, make sure that the rubber "O" ring is also removed and replaced with the new "O" ring that should come in the replacement package. This is important because the "O" rings can become worn down, which leads to less pressure at the tip.
Next, everyday the paint sprayer pump should be checked for an ample supply of throat seal oil. This is to ensure that the pistons are lubricated and cleaned.
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