Paint & Paint Colors
If you're planning on painting a room in your house or remodeling a room its the paint and the paint color that end up making the biggest difference in the end. Choose a paint that you can trust from a brand with the experience and expertise to back up their products by choosing PPG. Check out our selection of paint products & paint color options below.
Paint Colors
Buy Paint

Paint Colors For Any Project
Paint Colors For Any Project
Paint & Paint Colors
The first step with any paint project is to find the right paint color for your space. Whether its millennial pink or a shade of chartreuse - you need it before you begin painting. Check out our selection of paint color advice articles and painting tips & tricks to help make your paint color journey a success.
Paint Colors
Painting Tips

House Paint & Wall Paint
House Paint & Wall Paint
Paint & Paint Colors
Once you have the right paint colors selected its time to get down to business. Choose from our wide variety of quality exterior paint to help keep your house looking great all year long, or, if you're painting a room check out the excellent interior paint we sell both in store and online. No matter what the project is, PPG has the right house paint and wall paint for your next job.
House Paint
Wall Paint
Buy Paint Online Using Our Color Advice
Looking to buy paint online? Use our online PPG Timeless Color Families To Get Started
Looking to buy paint online? From traditional whites and nuanced pastels, to bold and bright shades, our PPG Timeless Interior paint color palettes have options for any interior design project.