Think about the money that is spent when a tub or sink is chipped, outdated, or dingy. Replacement is usually not feasible. You have to consider the costs associated with the replacement as well as the mess that goes along with replacing a tub or sink. There's also the downtime while the work is being completed. There is a solution as to how to repair a tub or how to repair a sink without the costs reaching an astronomical amount or the mess getting in the way of daily living.
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How To Repair Sink and Tub
Re-coat Instead of Replacing
You can use PPG's Homax Tough As Tile Tub, Sink, and Tile refinishing system to recoat the worn out tubs and sinks without replacing them. When you begin to think about how to repair a tub or how to repair a sink, you need to examine the surface to determine where the work is needed and the best method of recoating. You want to mask off an area that is about 12 inches around the area to be coated to protect the walls and other surfaces from overspray.
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How To Repair Sink and Tub
Rinse, Sand, and Apply
Once the area is prepared, you want to clean it with warm water that is mixed with the surface prep cleaner. Rinse the tub or sink with warm water before drying with a towel. Next, abrade the surface with steel wool. Make sure you protect your skin and eyes by using rubber gloves and proper eye wear. For spray application, you want to hold the spray can between eight and 10 inches from the surface that you're coating. Spray a light even coat to begin with before spraying other coats on the surface. You might need to spray a few coats in order to see a difference in the appearance of the tub or the sink. If you don't see the desired finish once the coating has been completed, then you might want to clean the surface again and start the application process over until you see the desired results. You need to wait 15 minutes after the proceeding coat before you apply a new one.
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How To Repair Sink and Tub
Looking Brand New
Once the product cures on the surface of the tub or the sink, you'll see that it looks like it did when it was new. All of the work is performed in-house without replacing the sink or the tub, which means that you'll save time and money during the recoating process. You'll also notice that there aren't as many interruptions in the home or business while using this application.
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